Employee Retention Dashboard Google Sheet Template – User Guide

In this article, we will explain step by step how to use the Retention Dashboard Google Sheet Template. To learn more about the features of the template and to download, please visit the Product page.


  1. Enter data in Employees Data sheet
  2. Refresh Calculations
  3. View/Interact with 3 Dashboards


All the input happens in one sheet. This is a table with default 1000 rows.

Employee Data Entry Table
Employee Data Entry Table

Each row in this table represents one employee’s record.

Start by entering Employee Name, Employee ID and Email information.

Employee ID is a required field.

You can rename EMAIL field and use it to store any other information as needed.

Now, let’s look at 14 other columns in this table. We can categorize them into 3 categories of attributes.

Types of Attributes

4 Employee Attributes – Date of Birth, Hire Date, Gender, Hire Source

Employee Attributes – Date of Birth, Hire Date

7 Job Attributes – Location, Department, Job Type, Job Category, Job Level, Job Title, Salary

Job Attributes – Location, Department

3 Exit Attributes – Exit Date, Exit Type, Exit Reason

Exit Attributes – Exit Date, Exit Type and Reason

In General values are not limited in any column except Exit Type column.

Exit Type values – Voluntary, Involuntary

When to enter what data?

How to rename and use customizable fields

In the Employees Data sheet, just click on the column header and rename it.

How to add more attributes

Adding new columns

You can click on cell R3 and type a new column name. This will add a new column. You can add any number of such columns to track information about employees.

Note: new columns will not appear on dashboards automatically.


The template uses pivot tables and hence the calculations and refreshes every time data is added or edited in the Employees Data sheet.


Once the data is entered and refreshed, we can view the 3 dashboards.

The template provides three automated dashboards:

Retention Dashboard

Retention Dashboard presenting 7 KPIs with trend over the last 12 months.

Employee Retention Dashboard

7 KPIs

Following 7 KPIs are automatically calculated by the template

Snapshot Dashboard

Snapshot Dashboard provides interactive view of # of Employees and Avg. Tenure by 7 different employee and job attributes.

Page 1 shows the number of employees and breakdown by various attributes.

Company Snapshot Dashboard

Page 2 shows the Average Tenure of employees and breakdown by various attributes.

Company Snapshot Dashboard – Tenure

There are 10 Slicers available to drill down.

Dashboard Slicers

To select multiple values in a slicer (for example, Hire Source LinkedIn and Indeed) just press Control while clicking on the specific values.

Exit Dashboard

Exit Dashboard provides interactive view of exit data. Exit Type (Voluntary/Involuntary) and Exit Reason can be quickly viewed to understand how, why and when employees are leaving the company.

Employee Exit Dashboard

12 slicers are available to drill down or filter.

This dashboard represents only employees who left the company.

Modifying Dashboards

Modifying Slicer Settings

 How to Print or Export to PDF

The Dashboards are set up to be ready for print. Press Control+P or use Google sheet’s file menu to print. You can also use Google Sheet’s default Download to PDF option and Download as PDF.

Unprotecting Sheets

You would not need a password to use the template. The template performs the default functionality without having the need to unprotect protected sheets. 

How to unprotect sheet?

Whenever you unprotect the sheet, please protect it after making the adjustments.

Extending beyond 1000 employee limit

The template has a hidden sheet named HELP which is limited to 1000 rows. That table needs to be extended down to more rows. Then, automatically the dashboards will pick up more than 1000 rows entered in the Employees Data sheet.

 If there are any questions on this template, please post in the comments section below.

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