A few months ago, I published a video (on YouTube) on how to create combinations of values in 2 lists. There have been requests to expand that to more than just 2 lists. So, here we go. I updated the formulas to accommodate 6 lists and made it into an easy-to-use free template.

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How to create combinations in Excel?
This Excel Combinations Generator is one of the simplest templates published on indzara.com.
Just enter your values in each list (max 6) and see the combinations automatically calculated and displayed.
You can also change the separator (character that separates the values in the concatenated string of values)
When entering data, ensure the following are avoided
- No blank values in the middle of any list
- Enter lists sequentially (eg. please do not enter list 6 when list 5 is empty)
Video Demo
- You can enter up to 6 lists
- 500 combinations are supported by default. The formulas are hidden in the HELP sheet. You are welcome to edit and expand to more combinations if needed.
Recommended Template
For more functionality, please try our Combinations Generator toolkit
- Single List: N = 20, R = 7
- Multi-List: 10 lists, 20 items in each list