Reporting on Rental Business Performance – Monthly Metrics, Top Products & Top Customers

Reporting in Rental Business Manager Excel template is fully automated and very extensive. We have reporting to help us get an accurate view of business performance in multiple areas (inventory, sales & finance) from multiple dimensions (product and Customer). Reporting is available on inventory levels, accounts receivable, monthly metrics, top and bottom performing product and top performing customers.

This article is part of a series of support articles of Rental Business Manager Excel template. For more information on the product, please visit Rental Business Manager Excel template.

Current Status

First, we can see the current status of inventory and finance.

Report - Current Status of Inventory and Finance (money)
Report – Current Status of Inventory and Finance (money)

We can see the following metrics

Summary Metrics

Now, we move to looking at the past performance of business. First, we select our report Start and End dates.

Business Summary Metrics in Report Sheet for any date range

Monthly Metrics

We can view all the metrics by month for up to 12 months.

Monthly Metrics in table format – Rental Quantity, Revenue, Charges, Discounts and Expenses

We can choose one of the metrics to update the chart that shows up to 12 months of trend.

Monthly Metrics in Chart format – Showing monthly trends

Products – Top Performers

One of the important pieces of understanding business performance is knowing which products are rented the most and which ones are not. We have 2 ways of measuring this – Rental Revenue, and Rental Duration. This allows us to understand the true impact of the products to the business.
First, we will see the top 10 Asset categories and bottom 10 Asset categories.

Top and Bottom Performing Asset Categories

We can also see the top and bottom performing assets.

Top and Bottom Performing Assets

Product Performance

In addition to that, we would want to look at a specific product and understand its performance. We can choose a product and see its performance summary during the reporting window.
We can see the current inventory status of the product.

Product Performance – View current inventory levels as well as monthly metrics

We can also see the sales quantity trend by months of that product.

Product Sales Performance – Rental Revenue Trend by Month


Another important aspect to understand is best customers.

Top Customers in terms of Rental Revenue

We can choose one specific partner and see their details as well.

Metrics for specific customer – Inventory, Sales, Accounting

Finally, the Assets sheet, the Customers sheet and Order Headers sheet also have useful information that we can filter on to get to the data we need.

In the next article, we will discuss how we can add or retire assets for rental


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