US Stock Market – Free Live Stock Screener – Excel Template

In this article, we will be discussing the US Stock Market Stock Screener Template that you can use to screen or find stocks based on certain criteria.


The template has the following features built in.

Stock Screener for US Market in Excel
Stock Screener for US Market – Full View – Click to view full screen


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How to screen Stocks in Excel?

The template is very straight-forward to use. You can use the filters to apply certain criteria and the resulting stocks will appear in the table.

US Stock Market – Free Stock Screener – Components


The following attributes are displayed in the table for each Stock

There are also two columns that you can customize according to your preference.

Customize Attributes

29 possible attributes are available in the drop-down. You can choose any to make that display. You may have to format the values in some cases as some are text, some are whole numbers and some are decimals.


Filters or Slicers available to screen Stocks

Exchange, Industry, Cap type and Instrument type are available to filter.

Market Cap Categories

Market Cap > $200B are labelled as Mega, $10B to $200B are labelled as Large, $2B to $10B are Medium, $300M to $2B are Small, $50M to $300M are Micro and less than $50M are Nano.

52 Week Highs or Lows

You can also use filters available to select stocks that have hit the 52 Week High or Low.

52 week high or Low

Clearing Filters

After applying filters, to clear it, click on the Clear Filter button on the top right of each slicer.

Clearing slicers

You can also use Excel’s native filtering to filter on numeric fields like Price, Volume and Change.

You can choose to filter stocks with price greater than $30, stocks between $45 and $200, stocks less than $100, etc.

When you apply multiple filters (whether using slicers or the table filters option), please note that all the conditions must be satisfied for the stock to appear in the table. The conditions are treated as AND conditions.


We use Excel’s native Sorting feature to sort the stocks by criteria.

For example, you can sort by Volume to find the stocks that traded the most by volume (or most active).

Just click on the little down arrow button next to Volume and choose Sort Largest to Smallest.

For another example, you can sort by Change % (descending) to find the stocks that gained the most by %.

How to refresh data?

If you have left Excel idle for a few minutes and would like to refresh the data, click on Refresh All in the Data ribbon.

How to refresh Stocks data

How to add new stocks?

To add new stocks, please go to the last row of the table. Type a ticker symbol in the first column of next row.

Add new stocks to Stock Screener

If Excel recognizes the stock symbol, it will auto-populate all the other columns in the row and no more action is needed.

If Excel does not recognize your stock symbol, it will pop up this data selector box.


You can select the stock you are interested in.

No more changes are needed and from now, the new stock will be used for screening.


To pull live Stock data from the services you would need Microsoft 365 Subscription Plans for PC and Web

All the templates in this series can be downloaded from


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