Project Pipeline Tracker 2023 – Free Excel Template

Project Pipeline Tracker

This Excel template allows tracking projects and calculating effectiveness in completing them. This is applicable for scenarios where all the projects go through the same set of pre-defined stages in sequence.

In a simple example, each building project may have three stages: Plan – Design – Build. Once planning is completed, designing begins and after designing is completed, build begins. We will be tracking the completion of each stage of each project.

It is very simple to use. It can provide visibility to how long it takes for our projects to complete. It can also help identify where the bottlenecks are in our project cycle. We can also view the trends in terms of time each stages takes.

Project Pipeline - Active Pipeline Summary View
Project Pipeline – Active Pipeline Summary View

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REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft Excel for Windows (2010 or above); Microsoft Excel for Mac (2011 or above);

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How to track project pipeline in Excel?

The template has only 3 visible sheets. In the Data sheet, we enter our input data and the Active Pipeline sheet and Report sheet have output that is automatically calculated. The Data sheet also has a summary of metrics.

Enter stages

By default the template has 6 stages (including the final closing stage).

Project Pipeline Tracker Excel Template – Enter list of stages

We can rename those stages to meet our business needs. Also, we can remove stages if we don’t need 6. To remove 6th stage, just click on the 6th stage name and press Delete key.

Enter Projects

Enter each project in a separate row in the Projects table.

List of Projects and their information

Enter Project ID and Name. Then, enter Start Date of project. The next 6 columns are dates of completing each stage of project.

These Stage DT fields should not be renamed.

Additional fields to track for projects

The two columns (Type, Owner) are optional and can be used to store other information as you need. These can be renamed.

The last four columns in the table are calculated and should not be edited.

Project Pipeline Tracker – Calculated Fields


Completed Projects – Summary

We can see an instant summary of the completed projects as we enter data.  Number of completed projects and how long on average a project takes.

Completed Projects – Summary View

We also see how long each stage takes to complete.

Active Pipeline – Summary

The number of projects that are currently being worked on and how many projects are currently in each stage are shown.

Project Pipeline – Active Pipeline

Active Pipeline – Details

We can also see the detailed Active pipeline in the Active Pipeline sheet.

Here we can see the (up to 5) projects in each stage as well.

Active Pipeline Report

The ID, Type and Owner fields are displayed. Even if you rename the fields and use them to store other type of information, they will be displayed in this Active Pipeline sheet.  Thus, it can be modified to your business needs easily.


The Report sheet presents the metrics (Projects Completed, Average Project Duration and Average Duration for each stage) for the past 12 months.

Pipeline Tracker – Monthly Report – Table

The information is also presented visually so that we can see how the duration vary over month for each stage.

Pipeline Tracker – Monthly Report – Chart

Editing the template

This is the first version of this template. There are many different directions that we can take this template further. As always, I look forward to feedback and suggestions to make this more useful to a lot of people. I will do my best to implement additional features and enhance the template.

For more project management templates, please visit Project Management Excel Templates

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