
Resource Capacity Planner Lite – Excel Template


Resource Capacity Planner Excel Template


With our Resource Capacity Planner – Lite Excel template, you can easily manage and optimize your project resources and streamline your project management process with ease.

With this Excel template, you can

  • Ensure all the tasks can be completed during the planning period given the resources’ availability.
  • Ensure optimal utilization of available resources that is, proper distribution of resources across tasks to minimize under- and over-utilization.

With this purchase, you’ll get two versions of the template – V1.1 with certain limitations on the default capacity and V2.0 with no limitations on default capacity, this is our fastest version yet! (please note this version requires an Excel 365 subscription)

Automated Dashboards

There are four, fully automated output sheets in the Capacity Planner Excel template: Dashboard, Calendar, Project View, and Resource View.


Once the capacity/demand data is filled, you can view this fully automated dashboard. This is divided into two sections, let’s look at each of them in detail:

The Demand Assigned Dashboard shows the total demand vs. the assigned demand status at a quick glance.

Demand Assigned Dashboard: Resource Capacity Planner Lite
Demand Assigned Dashboard: Resource Capacity Planner Lite

Here you can see projects, project categories and roles that are not fully assigned. Say, from the above screenshot, we can see that the role of “Tester” still has unassigned demand.

Here’s where the next part of the dashboard, the Capacity Utilization comes in handy! This shows the roles and resources that are either in surplus or with deficit capacity.

Capacity Utilization Dashboard: Resource Capacity Planner Lite
Capacity Utilization Dashboard: Resource Capacity Planner Lite

One can easily assign available resources by looking at the above dashboard to projects or specific tasks that need immediate attention. For our example, here we can see that the role “Tester” seem to have surplus capacity that can be assigned to meet the demand.

This way the dashboard can aid in our goal of achieving close to 100% optimal resource utilization and to meet a 100% demand.

On the left side of the Dashboard sheet, you will have the slicers (filters) that you can use to drill down to specific Projects, Project Categories, Resources, or Roles.

Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Dashboard Slicers
Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Dashboard Slicers

Please note that the Dashboard provides the metrics for the overall planning period duration (as an aggregate).


This calendar provides you with an overview based on either at the Role or the Resource level (dimensions).

The calendar is very flexible you can choose to view it for either Capacity, Demand or Capacity-Demand, Utilization% making it easy for you to track.

Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Calendar
Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Calendar View

Use this Calendar to get a quick glance of available resources over a period of time to efficient project allocation.

You have the flexibility to choose the time dimension ranging from Daily to Annual.

Project View

Similar to the calendar, get a project-level overview of the demand allocation. This visual shows, for a chosen time dimension (from Daily to Annually) the Projects and the list of resources currently on these projects.

Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Project View
Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Project View

Resource View

What if there is a need for a similar resource-level view? We have you covered! The Resource View gives you just that.

Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Resource View
Resource Capacity Planner Lite: Resource View

All of the visuals have a set of slicers to enable to you drill-down on each of the visual to a granular level.

Key Features

  1. Automated Actionable Output
    1. Interactive Dashboard
    2. Customizable Calendar View
    3. Project/Resource Views
  2. Practical Functionality
    1. Multiple Aggregation Periods: Analyze data at various levels – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Annual.
    2. Support for Company Holidays.
    3. Handles vacation and overtime.
    4. Allocate the same resource to multiple projects.
    5. Enter availability for a range of dates easily.
  3. Updated Version(V 2.0) – Faster and with fewer limitations
    1. The V2.0 is our fastest version of the template!
    2. With this, there are no limitations on the planning period or default capacities (enter any number of resources, roles, projects, and project categories) and on the list of Holidays.


  1. For V1.1 the default capacity: The template comes with predefined limits of 200 Resources, 25 Roles, 100 Projects& Project categories, 200 Holidays, and the template allows a maximum of 2 years planning period.
  2. Customization Option: If you need a customized solution to suit your specific requirements, please reach out to with details.
  3. Version 2.0: This version uses advanced Excel formulas and requires Excel 365 subscription to work.


If there are any questions about this template, please see the Product Support page for more information.


Visit our Knowledge base for any more, link here


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Resource Capacity Planner Lite - Excel Template Resource Capacity Planner Lite - Excel Template
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Resource Capacity Planner Lite – Excel Template
