
How to Create a Vertical Lollipop Chart in Microsoft Excel?

Get ready to bring life to your boring dashboards and reports by adding a unique visual! In our “Data to Decisions” series, this blog shows us the simplest method to create a lollipop chart, as shown here:

Vertical lollipop chart
Vertical lollipop chart

This chart shows the actual metrics by department, something we can achieve using a regular column chart as shown:

A regular column chart
A regular column chart

The only difference between these two charts is the aesthetic value the lollipop chart adds to your report. You might encounter situations where using a customized chart like the lollipop chart is useful.

We’ll be using a LINE chart to get this visual. So, let’s see how to build this in Excel!

Ready to save time on your next presentation? Explore our Data Visualization Toolkit featuring multiple pre-designed charts, ready to use in Excel. Buy now, create charts instantly, and save time! Click here to visit the product page.

Please check our dedicated YouTube video explaining how to create a lollipop chart here:

The following are the steps we’d follow in creating this chart:

  1. Insert a line with markers chart
  2. Format the data series
  3. Add error bars
  4. Format the error bars
  5. Modify the error line & marker
  6. Format the lollipop chart

Step 01: Insert a line with markers chart

Consider the sample data as shown here:

The sample data
The sample data

Select all the data and insert a 2-D Line chart with markers as shown here:

Insert line with markers chart
Insert line with markers chart

Excel generates a line chart for our data as shown:

Line with markers chart
Line with markers chart

This might look different on your machine, based on the theme chosen.

Step 02: Format the data series

We’ll work on how to modify this chart. Right-click on the chart and format data series:

Go to format data series
Go to format data series

This opens up the format pane where we’ll remove the line.

Choose no line
Choose no line

This leaves us with only markers in the chart, as shown here:

Chart with only markers
Chart with only markers

Step 03: Add error bars 

Click anywhere on the chart, that displays a “+” sign and that include an Error bar:

Add error bars
Add error bars

This adds a default error line as shown below:

Line chart with default error bars
Line chart with default error bars

We’ll format this error line to get the stem for our lollipop.

Step 04: Format the error bars

Click on more options in the error bars:

We’ll tweak the error line as shown to get the stem:

Format error bars
Format error bars

This drops the error bar all the way down (100) the horizontal line and choosing minus means the downward line.

Step 05: Modify the error line & marker

Increase the stem width by going to the Fill & Line as shown:

Format error line
Format error line

Similarly, adjust the marker as well. To choose the marker, you can select from the drop-down list as shown here:

Choose actual series
Choose actual series

Here, we’ll adjust the marker width and color and border color, here we have chosen green (apply these formatting as per your requirement):

Format markers
Format markers

With this, our chart looks something like this:

Updated chart
Updated chart

Step 06: Format the lollipop chart

To make our chart visually better, take advantage of the numerous formatting options available in Excel.

i. Add data labels by right-clicking on the markers:

Add data labels
Add data labels

Adjust the label position by clicking on the label and editing the same in the format pane:

Adjust the label position
Adjust the label position

You can modify the color by formatting the same in the home ribbon, with these steps our chart looks like this:

ii. Adjust the gridlines to make it less obviously visible. . Right-click the gridlines and open the format pane:

Modify the color to a lighter grey to make it less prominent:

Adjust the gridlines
Adjust the gridlines

iii. Give the chart a suitable, understandable title, say ”Actuals by Department” and format the color and background of the title in the ribbon on top:

Format the chart title
Format the chart title

iv. We can add axis labels if and when necessary. In our case these are self-explanatory, hence we are skipping them.

v. As a final step, adjust the chart border’s color and make it rounded. (All of these formatting are optional and can be modified based on the need at hand)

Modify the chart border
Modify the chart border

Our final lollipop chart is ready as a cool visual addition to your reports!

Vertical lollipop chart
Vertical lollipop chart

Check our 1-page, downloadable illustrative guide explaining all the steps for a quick reference.

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please post them in the comments below.

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