
How to Create a Vertical Slider Chart in Excel?

Elevate your data presentation with dynamic visuals that turn simple data into compelling visuals that quickly grab the attention of your audience. In this post from the Data to Decisions series, we’ll break down the steps to create an engaging Slider Chart in Excel. This chart is effective when you have actual values against a set target or a benchmark, where the target value is the same across your categories.


We’ll also look at creating the different flavors of this chart by making slight modifications.

slider chart icons as slider

slider chart borders as slider


Sliders with borders

The sample data used for this chart is the American Customer Satisfaction Index scores for companies, as shown below (source:

Vertical slider chart sample data

With this data, let’s get right in and create the Slider chart!

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Note: In our data, the benchmark (or the Target) is 100 for the satisfaction scores. 

In case, you have multiple target values, then to use this technique to create a slider chart, first convert your data into a percentage of the target. This way the target value is all converted to 100%, an example where such scenarios can occur would be with sales data by different regions.

Check the detailed explanation to create this chart in our YouTube video:

Chart Style – I

Step 01:

Select all the data, and insert a Line chart with markers.

Vertical slider insert line chart with marker

With this, Excel inserts a default line chart with the given data.

Vertical slider chart insert line chart

Step 02:

To create the slider, add a column called “Target”, which in our case has 100 as the value (the value is the target value in your dataset)

Vertical slider chart add target column

Step 03:

To add this new series to your data, right-click inside the chart and click on Select Data.

Vertical slider chart select data

With this, a pop-up window will appear from where we’ll add the new Target series.

Vertical slider chart add column

Vertical slider chart edit series

With this addition, Excel adds this new series as a line within our existing chart.


Vertical slider chart new series with existing series

Step 04:

For the slider effect, right-click inside the chart and click on Change chart type.

Vertical slider chart change chart type

In the dialog box that appears, in the Combo option, ensure that the Index (that is, Actual) series is a Line with Markers but the Target series is a Clustered column chart type as shown below:

Vertical slider change clustered column chart

Step 05:


Let us format the target series, to open the formatting pane, click anywhere on the chart and press CRTL + 1.


i. From the resulting chart, click on the target columns, and in the Fill & Line option, change the fill color to a lighter shade of blue (choose color according to your preference).

Vertical slider chart fill & color

ii. Now, from the drop-down in the format pane, choose the Index series to format.

Vertical slider choose series

iii. Here, for the slider, we do not need the line, hence make the line a no fill

Vertical slider chart no fill

iv. Now,open the Marker, and here, adjust the marker options, the fill and border color as shown:

Vertical slider chart marker options

With this, our chart looks like this:

Vertical slider chart without values

Step 06:

In the chart from the previous step, we need to narrow the column width to bring the slider-like effect. To do this, from the format pane, select the Target series.

Vertical slider chart select series

Adjust the gap width to 400%, as shown below.

Vertical slider chart gap width

Now, click on the Index series, and from the “+” icon that appears on the top-right corner of the chart, add data labels.

Vertical slider chart add data labels

Format the position of the label to be at the centre of the marker as shown:

Vertical slider chart marker position

Since the marker is filled with a darker color, adjust the label to have a lighter color from the Home ribbon. (Please note that these formatting changes are done to ensure that the labels are clearly visible to the viewer, if you have a lighter color marker fill, you can skip this).

 At the end of this stage, our slider chart looks something like this:

slider chart modification(c)

Step 07:

Our chart is definitely taking shape now! If you’ve been following our blogs, it’s time to do the standard formatting to make the final chart visually pleasing.

i. Since this is a slider chart, gridlines are not necessary here. To remove them, right-click on the lines, go to the Format gridlines option, and remove the line.

Vertical slider chart select series

Vertical slider chart format gridlines

ii. Similarly, add a suitable chart title, one that clearly explains what your visual is all about. 

Vertical slider chart add title

Here, we’ll add the title as “Customer Satisfaction Index by Company”, format, and position the same as needed.

Vertical slider chart add title

iii. Click and modify the Y-axis bonus to a maximum of 100 as shown:

Verical slider Y axis bounds

iv. Finally, add a border to the chart by clicking on the chart and formatting the same in the format pane.

Vertical slider chart - chart options

That’s it! With just 7 simple steps our Slider chart is ready to be a part of your presentations or reports!

Vertical slider final chart

Check our 1-page, downloadable illustrative guide explaining all the steps for a quick reference.

Chart Style – II

Just by modifying the marker options, we can get a different slider chart. 

To get this, from the format pane, select the Index series.

Vertical slider chart select series(b)

In the marker option, change the type to a square.

Vertical slider choose marker type

That’s it! A different slider chart is ready!

Vertical slider chart index series

Chart Style – III

i. Another variation is where you can choose a picture as your marker.

Vertical slider chart picture as marker option

ii. This opens a pop-up, from where you can choose a picture. We’ll choose one from the icons.

Vertical slider insert picture as marker

iii. Choose any icon (or image) that suits the narrative you want to build with this slider chart.

Vertical slider chart choose icon

iv. Once an image is inserted, remove the marker borders.

Vertical slider chart marker border

v. Click on the data labels, that are currently inside the image and move them to the top from the format pane as shown:

Vertical slider chart label options

Format the color of the label to make it clearly visible in the slicer.

Vertical slider chart label color

A third variation of the slider chart is ready!

Vertical slider chart picture as marker

Chart Style – IV

Let’s now create a variation of the slider chart where the fill is visible with a different color.

To create this, make a copy of the previous style (CTRL + C) and paste it (CTRL + V) within the same sheet. 

i. Choose the Target series from the format pane and change the fill color to a lighter shade of grey.

Vertical slider chart fill color

ii. Now choose the Index series, and change the marker style to that of a circle (as in style I). 

Vertical slider chart marker type

iii. Add a new series to the chart, right-click on the chart, go to Select Data which opens a pop-up, and select Add as shown here:

Vertical slider chart select data

Vertical slider chart add series(b)

iv. The new series (call it Actual Fill) is our actual values, we’ll add this to bring the fill color to the slider.

Vertical slider chart slider fill color


With this addition, the chart gets modified slightly:

Vertical slider chart with fill color

v. To get the desired result, right-click on the chart and go to Change chart type. 

Vertical slider chart select chart type

Here, modify the Actual Fill series to a clustered column chart type.

Vertical slider chart cluster column type

Ensure that the Index series remains a Line with Marker type and the Target remains a Clustered Column.

vi. Right-click on the Actual Fill series and format data series.

Vertical slider chart format data series

vii. Adjust the series overlap to 100%

Vertical slider chart series options

viii. In the Fill & Line, modify the fill color to blue (or any color based on the theme of your report/dashboard).

Vertical slider chart slider fill color blue

ix. Click on the labels and move them to the centre as shown:


Vertical slider chart label option center

Modify the label color from the home ribbon to ensure this is visible on a darker slider.

x. The last step here, is to adjust the width of the columns to get the slider effect. To achieve this click on the Actual fill series (the blue columns) and increase the gap width to 400%

Vertical slider chart gap width 400%

With this, our fourth variation of the slider chart is ready to be included in your reports!

Vertical slider chart(d)


Check our 1-page, downloadable illustrative guide explaining all the steps for a quick reference.

For a quick tutorial on the steps to follow for this chart, check our 1-minute video:

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