MACD Indicator Google Sheets Template – Technical Analysis

In this article, we will be discussing the MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) technical indicator that is used to analyze stock performance.  MACD is one of the popular technical indicators used by traders.

Here you’ll find:

  • A brief introduction to the theory or concept behind MACD indicator
  • How you can create and use the template to calculate MACD for any stock you are interested in.
MACD Technical Indicator in Google sheets

What is MACD indicator?

MACD is used by a lot of traders, since it captures multiple aspects of stock performance. It not only helps identify trends, but it can also measure momentum. This technical indicator involves a lot more components.

How to calculate MACD?

  1. First, we calculate two different Moving Averages (one fast and one slow). Then, we take the difference in values between those two Moving Averages and that is called the MACD Line.
  2. We then calculate an EMA of the MACD line and that is called Signal line. Signal line is thus an indicator of an indicator.
  3. Finally, we calculate difference between MACD and Signal line and display as a MACD histogram which oscillates above and below zero.

Three different elements are shown on the chart typically when you view MACD indicator.

  • MACD Line = (12-day EMA – 26-day EMA)
  • Signal Line = 9-day EMA of MACD Line
  • MACD Histogram = MACD Line – Signal Line

The MACD histogram values are plotted as red and green bars. A bar is green when the MACD histogram value is greater than 0. A red bar indicates that its value is lesser than 0.

How Donchian Channels indicator is calculated

A general interpretation of MACD is that when MACD is positive and the histogram value is increasing, then upside momentum is increasing. When MACD is negative and the histogram value is decreasing, then downside momentum is increasing.

Trading Signals

Some key signals observed using the MACD indicator are below.

Bullish Signal Line Crossovers occur when MACD Line crosses above Signal Line.

Bearish Signal Line Crossovers occur when MACD Line crosses below Signal Line.

Bullish Zero Line Crossovers occur when MACD Line crosses above the Zero Line and go from negative to positive.

Bearish Zero Line Crossovers occur when MACD Line crosses below the Zero Line and go from positive to negative.


MACD Google Sheet Template

The template will help you create the MACD indicator automatically and also calculate the trading signals instantly for any stock.

MACD Indicator with trading signals

The Dashed light blue line is the Source (by default the Closing price) of the Stock. The Blue line is the MACD signal, the Yellow line the Signal Line.


How to create MACD indicator in Google Sheets?

Type in a stock sticker symbol along with the exchange code on the top left.

MACD Technical Indicator Sample in Google Sheets

If Google sheets does not recognize your stock symbol or exchange code, it will result in error, hence ensure to enter the correct symbol and code.

You can select the stock you are interested in.


The template can pull up to 1 year of price history by default. You can choose how much history to display on the chart easily using the slicer buttons.


The options are 5 Days, Month Till Date, 1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, Year Till Date, 1 Year.


The template allows price history at 2 different intervals.


Daily & Weekly are the options.

Input Parameters

MACD Input parameters
  • Source: Closing price is the one that is used for calculations typically. However, you can choose from Open, High, Low, Close or Volume.
  • Fast EMA Length: You can type in a length in periods. The commonly used is 12.
  • Slow EMA Length: You can type in a length in periods. The commonly used is 26.
  • Signal Smoothing: You can type in a length in periods. The commonly used is 9.

The chart will update automatically based on all the above inputs.

Note: Once the necessary input parameters are entered the google sheets might take a few seconds to load the chart correctly.


The template shows two types of signals (Signal Line Crossovers, Zero Line Crossovers) on the chart.

MACD Indicator with Trading Signals

They are represented as 4 different markers on the Chart.

  1. Bullish Signal Line Crossover
  2. Bearish Signal Line Crossover
  3. Bullish Zero Line Crossover
  4. Bearish Zero Line crossover

In addition, if the latest day has a signal, it will be displayed below the current price.



On the top right you can see the maximum of the last trade time of these currencies.

The default time that Googlefinance functions provides is UTC.  The offset is set to -7 hrs, to convert to pacific time zone.

You can modify this if you need the time in a different time zone.

Visit to view offset.


MACD – TradingView

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