How to Create Column Chart with Line for Time Series Data in Excel?

This blog walks you through the simple steps in creating a simple actual v. target chart for time series data (as shown).

Actual vs Target chart for time series data

When to use these charts?

This is ideal when comparing actual vs target values across periods. A simple example would be sales data by month, compared to monthly targets. Note that we use the line chart for target only when the X-axis is a time dimension (that is Month/Quarter/Year/etc.)

To build this chart, let’s use sample data of a metric’s actual and target for every month as shown below: 

Actual vs Target chart for time series data sample data

Note: The date column should have actual date values, to check this, click on any cell with a date and go to the cell format. Here, if the value is an actual date, the Long Date format shows the same accordingly. This is a very quick and easy way to identify whether your input is date or not.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data sample data with long date format

With this sample data, let’s build our chart.

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Do check our dedicated video on YouTube explaining these steps in detail.

The following are the steps we’d follow in creating this chart:

  1. Insert a clustered column chart
  2. Change the target series chart type
  3. Format the X-axis
  4. Format the chart

Step 01: Insert a clustered column chart

Select all the data, from the Insert ribbon, and insert a Clustered Column chart.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data insert clustered column chart

This inserts a default clustered column chart based on our data (note that the colors of the chart may vary based on the Excel theme)

Default column chart

Step 02: Change the target series chart type

To modify this chart as an actual v. target chart, we will make some modifications.

Right-click on the chart and select Change Chart Type which opens a dialog box.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data change chart type

Here, in the Combo chart type, change the target series to Line Chart as shown:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data change chart type to Line

Step 03: Format the X-axis

Since the X-axis has the date as given in the sample data, let us see the formatting options available in Excel for the date axis. Right-click on the axis and go to Format Axis option which opens a format pane to the right.

Actual vs Target chart for tim format axise series data

In this pane, we can see that Excel has identified this data in the X-axis as Date, and correspondingly the Bounds and Units are date-related.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data axis options

To format the axis, in the Number section of the formatting pane, choose the category as “Date”.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data choose Date as category

This gives several formatting options as shown, choose one that suits the purpose of your chart. Here, to accommodate the size of the chart, we’ll use a M-YY format as shown:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data choose date format

These options can be chosen purely based on the space available for the axis or the chart size. With this, the chart is:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data after changing date format

In some cases, say where you have two years of data or when the horizontal axis labels have more data points, we can adjust the labels in the Units section of the formatting pane to have skips.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data adjust labels with units

This skips a month and displays the X-axis, here we can format the X-axis as shown:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data after formatting axis

These are options available to display the X-axis labels, choose what suits your audience and the story you want your chart to display.

Step 04: Format the chart

In this step, let us continue the formatting to get a more visually pleasing chart.

i. Move the legend to the top to get more chart area. Click on the legend and in the formatting pane, move the same to the top.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data format legend position

Drag and reposition the same as needed.

ii. Now the gridlines, ensure to have them but not so evidently overpowering chart by modifying the line color.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data format gridlines

Actual vs Target chart for time series data major gridline color

iii. Give a suitable title to the chart, say “Monthly Actual vs Targets” and format the same in the Home ribbon.

iv. Click anywhere on the chart and click on the “+” symbol that appears on the right corner. Here, we’ll choose to include axis titles.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data add axis titles

Since the X-axis is very clear as a date axis, click on the axis title and delete the same. With the Y-axis, to show the user what is being displayed, we’ll include an axis title as “Metric”

At this point, this is our Actual vs Target Chart for Time Series Data looks something like this:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data after formatting grid lines

Finding it difficult to follow the steps in a blog? Check our easy, 1-minute tutorial on creating this chart here:

Now, let’s format the column and line.

i. Right-click on any of the columns and go to Format Data Series.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data frmat data series

This opens the formatting pane, in the Fill & Line, choose a solid fill and a color of your choice.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data format column fill color

ii. Similarly, right-click on the line series, and in the format pane, choose a line color as well.

Actual vs Target chart for time series data format line color

Here, to format the marker, go to the Marker options and choose a built-in marker type, a fill, and a border color as shown:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data format marker

iii. Right-click on the columns and add data labels:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data add data labels

Now, click on the labels, and from the format pane, choose to place these labels on the inside end as shown:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data choose data label position

Depending on the context of the chart and the data, you can choose to include the data labels for the target lie as well.

As a last step in our formatting, click anywhere on the chart and format the chart border as shown:

Actual vs Target chart for time series data chart border

That’s it! In four simple steps, our actual v. target chart for a time series data is ready!

Actual vs Target chart for time series data

Check our 1-page, downloadable illustrative guide explaining all the steps for a quick reference.

Check our blog on visualizing actual v. target with multiple target values using a column chart.

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