How to Create a Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values in Excel?

A tornado chart or a butterfly chart is a special type of chart built by modifying a bar chart. There are two variations to this, this post specifically focuses on creating a tornado chart that handles only positive values.

Read this blog to create tornado charts for sensitivity analysis.

Consider a sample data of employee headcount by department where the headcount values per department are given for both Male and Female employees – in such cases to visually see the employee mix by gender within departments a Tornado chart comes in handy.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values
Tornado Chart for positive values in Microsoft Excel

The main objective in using a tornado chart is, from the above example we can compare the headcount of only male employees (or only female) across departments AND also compare male and female employees within a particular department easily.

That is if the sample data is made with two dimensions where one dimension can take two positive values with its measure values – a tornado chart would be your best choice. For example, if you want to view joiners and leavers by department (or) exit pole by the segment of two candidates choose a tornado chart!

If you are looking for an explainer video on the Tornado chart creation, here you have it!

Creating this chart in Excel is a breeze! Let’s take a look at the steps involved now.

Let us take sample data of headcounts of various departments by gender, as shown below:

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values sample data

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Step 01: Prepare the data

Before we begin with the chart creation, first select all data and press CTRL+T to create a table. Now, we’ll include a new column that gives us the negative values of the Female 1 column with a simple formula:

With this, the data should look like this:

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values prepare the data
Sample Data for Chart Creation

Step 02: Insert a clustered bar chart

Now, select the Department column, press the CTRL key, select the Male and Female columns and insert a clustered bar chart.

With this, a default bar chart gets inserted into Excel.

Default bar chart

Step 03: Format the vertical axis and both the series

a. Now, right-click on the horizontal axis, go to Format Axis.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values format axis

This opens a format pane, under the label options position them as “Low”.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values label position to low

b. Click on any of the bars, from the format pane, under the Series Option, increase series overlap to 100% and adjust the gap width to 50%.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values Increase series overlap to 100%

With this, our chart takes the tornado share and should look something like this:

Default Tornado share

Step 04: Format the series & legends, add data labels

a. From the format pane drop-down choose the “Male” series and

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values choose series

Choose a different fill color as needed.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values choose fill color

Similarly, choose the “Female” series and assign a fill color as needed by you.

b. It’s time to add data labels. For this, click on the chart, and a “+” icon appears in the top-right corner of the chart. Click on that and check the “Data labels” option as shown:

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values add data labels

Click on any of the labels, and you can use the format pane to adjust the position of the labels as shown below. In our example, we’ll keep the labels on the “Outside End”.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values set label position to outside end

c. Now, use the Home ribbon to format the data labels for an effective visual.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values format data labels

d. Now, in continuation with the formatting: click on the legends and use the format pane to position them on top.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values position legends

e. Click on the vertical gridlines, and use the format pane to give a very subtle color.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values format gridlines

At the end of this step, our chart should look something like this:

Tornado chart after formatting

Step 05: Modify the negative labels

The chart from the previous step displays negative values for the Female series. This step shows how to change the data labels and the horizontal axis to display positive values.

a. Click on the Female series data labels. From the label options, uncheck other options in the format pane, and check the “Values from Cells” option.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values calues from cells

Now, choose the range as the Female 1 series which contains the actual headcount values of female employees.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values choose the range

b. To fix the axis values, click on the horizontal axis, and in the format pane under the Number option – choose the custom category and give a Format code of 0;0 , then click on “Add” as shown.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values choose custom category

Assigning “0;0” ensures that the axis only displays positive values. With this, the chart should look something like this:

Tornado chart after modifying negative labels

Step 06: Apply standard chart formatting

Let’s apply some standard formatting for a better visual.

a. Add a suitable chart title and format it using the Home Ribbon.

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values add chart title

b. Click on the chart, and format the border .

With these 6 steps, our Tornado chart for only positive values is ready!

Tornado with positive values
Tornado Chart in Excel

For analysis, you can sort the data based on either of the columns, say here we’ll sort based on the highest male employees count,

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values  sort the data

The chart gets modified based on this, instantly as shown here:

Tornado Chart for Only Positive Values
Tornado Chart Sorted by Male Employees

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