
Free Excel Templates

Welcome to the hub for free Excel template downloads that are simple to use and effective at solving needs in business and home. 

You would need Microsoft Excel to use these templates. Most templates are compatible with Excel 2010 (or above) for Windows and Excel 2011 (or above) for Mac. However, newer templates require Microsoft Excel 2016 and some like our Stock Market templates require Microsoft 365 subscription.

Each excel template free download has detailed documentation with screenshots and video demos. You can easily get started and instantly benefit. If there are any questions, please post them as comments in the corresponding template page. Your feedback is invaluable and helps me improve the templates so that more people can benefit.

To find the template you are looking for, please see the free templates categorized under Small Business Management, Project Management, HR, Calendars, Data Visualization, Personal Finance and School.

If you find the excel templates useful, please share with your friends. To get notified of new free excel templates download, please subscribe to our social channels (YouTube & Facebook).

Small Business Management Excel Templates

Free Sale Quotation Builder Excel Template

Sales Quotation 2023 – Free Excel Template

You can use this template to create quotations for your customers, informing them about how much it will cost for the products and services you provide to the customer. There is no limit to the number of quotations and the best thing is you can save all your quotations within one excel file.

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Free Property Rental Recipts Excel Template

Property Rental Receipt 2023 – Free Excel Download

Download Free Property Rental Receipts Template to create simple and effective receipts for your property rental business. Store all your property details, agreements, and receipts. Manage them all in one Excel file. Print invoices or export them to PDF and share them with customers.

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Free Packing Slip Generator Excel Template

Packing Slip 2023 – Free Excel Template

Download this Free Packing Slip Excel Template to make the communication between the seller and the warehouse much simpler. You can also store product and customer details to create unlimited packaging slips and manage them all in one file.

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Human Resources Excel Templates

Project Management Excel Templates

Task Manager Excel Template

Task Manager 2023 – A to-do list in Excel

Download this free Excel Template to assist in remembering tasks that need to be done. This template also provides a monthly calendar for reference and print sheet with pending tasks and upcoming tasks. This template handles 6 different tasks and supports updating them.

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Data Visualization & Analytics Excel Templates

Calendar Excel Templates

School/Education Excel Templates

Student Report Card Excel Template

Report Card – Basic (Free Excel Template)

Download this free Excel template to automate the creation of student report cards and provide meaningful academic performance information to teachers and instructors, with minimal effort. It contains Class view, Subject view & Student view.

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Personal Finance Excel Templates

Stock Market Excel Templates


  • Absolutely AWESOME templates. THANK YOU MILLIONS!! These are all so handy.
    The only other calendar template that I would love to have is days 1-31 down column A (cell 2 to 32) which contain days of the week in column B and then the months in the columns C-N.
    I am trying to adjust one of your existing templates but the long text strings is scary 🙂

    • Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback.

      We take customization project for additional fee. Please share your requirement in detail to to check further.

      Best wishes.

  • This is great Sir! I loved Project management automated templates and the Stock Market templates. Buying the premium templates now.
    Thanks again!

  • Dear Sir,
    Thank your for this great work .
    Thanks for your free and usefull templates.
    i have a question Sir , finish the template calender for 2022 i need in my work and i went that make in template 2022 more event
    for reponse this my mail if can send


  • Dear Sir I think your Combination Generator Template is great but how do I increase the number of combinations it will make.

    • Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback.

      Following is the procedure to increase the number of combinations:

      1. Right-click tab name and unhide the hidden help tab.
      2. Increase the series in column F on help tab to more numbers.
      3. Duplicate the formulas in column G to column L by selecting the last row (For example: G502:L502) with formula and more rows by holding SHIFT key. Then press CTRL+D to duplicate the formula.
      4. Repeat the same in column P on combinations tab.

      Best wishes.

  • Hi – I am curious if you have a simpler version of the capacity planning template. I want to build something to plan resource for Merger Integration resource planning but my requirements are a bit different.



  • Hello Sir,
    Thanks for your free and usefull templates.
    Your free templates are protected with password. Is it possible to share the passwords with us?

    • Thanks for your feedback.
      The password is indzara. Please let us know if any questions.
      Best wishes.

  • Looking for a Building Society monthly billing and yearly balance sheet accounting templates….

  • Dear Sir,
    Very excellent template you created “Report Card”. My needs are really met. However, I have two questions that I would like to ask.
    1. How do I increase the students class list to 800 or more as my school has many classes and; S
    Secondly, could you make the final mark into letters like A B C D E F instead of percentage?


    • Thank you for sharing your valuable feedback.

      There are multiple modifications that has to be done to increase the student list and defining the mark as ABCDEF instead of percentage.

      I also would like to inform you that we take customization projects for additional fee. Requesting to share your requirement with the calculation method used to calculate the average of ABCDEF.

      Best wishes.


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